A web application I made for NASA's Planet Patrol project to aid in the search for exoplanets and other objects of interest from the TESS mission. Written in React, the application allows users to search for, comment on, share, and generate light curves for thousands of TESS targets. Written in React and hosted by Firebase and Vercel.
A remake of Geoguessr from scratch. Features a guess-the-country and Battle Royale gamemodes. Written in React and Node.js.
An example on how to make a blog with Svelte, generating webpages from markdown files. Hosted by Vercel.
A web application designed for the competitive Staples We the People team. It allows users to view competition materials, view the completion status of their work, and coordinate meetings with the teacher. We the People is a competition in which students demonstrate their understanding of complex political and Constitutional issues in a simulated "Congressional" hearing format. Written in Svelte, its website and database are hosted by Firebase.
A game where you race a friend to type a randomized sequence of words as fast as possible. UI inspired by monkeytype.com. Written in pure JavaScript and Node.js.
A remake of Sparklin Labs' BombParty, a hot-potato-style multiplayer word game that has players quickly coming up with words that contain a certain string of letters. Written in React and Node.js.
The website you're on right now! Written with NextJS. Hosted by Vercel.
A (very mediocre) recreation of Super Mario Maker game, where you can build, play, and share platforming levels. Written in pure JavaScript and Node.js.
My daily driver
Songs that I think are socially acceptible to play in front of other people. Has a mix of everything.
My grunge / rock / folk / country / Americana road trip playlist (featuring a bit of pop as well).
Songs to play around a dying campfire.
An incredibly basic party playlist, featuring just the right amount of Pitbull.
A seaworthy playlist for sailing or floating.